The family has no photos of Floyd Howard or any knowledge of his whereabouts.
Green and Rebecca Howard’s grandchildren say their parents gave few details about Floyd Howard.
Census records from 1900 showed that he was born in December 1889. He was 10 years old then, and his father listed him as a farm laborer and that he could read but not write.
Gladys Riggin, daughter of Irene McClendon, Green’s daughter, recalled her mother stating that Floyd had died.
Gussie Clark, Guss Howard’s daughter, said her father would tell her about how as a youngster “he didn’t want Floyd to leave home and leave him. He had some more brothers who had left home.”
The Rev. Walter L. Howard Sr., Guss’ son, said: “The only information we have is that he left home a young man and hasn’t been heard of since – just, so to speak, just dropped out of sight.”
Jeannette Davis, Guss’ daughter, believed that Floyd left home to be on his own.